Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's the Little Things...

....that often mean so much! In writing that title without giving it much thought, not only was I just transported to my college days of listening to Old Charlotte and now have their song "Little Things" running through my mind, but I find I'm short on words today. Correction. Short on words for the past few months.

I have been enjoying life this summer and all the small pleasures and blessings that come along with it. Without many words.

One day the "little thing" may be the fact that I spent $1.50 on a tall coffee from Starbucks only to be given a "treat receipt" (thank God they brought those back!) for a $2 cold beverage after 2 PM. That's right, ANY cold beverage. So, of course I get the iced carmel machiatto. Bringing my grand total coffee purchase for the day from $1.50 to $3.50. Justified by the fact that had I purchased it sans "treat receipt" my total would have been close to $6.50.

Wow Starbucks. You are smart marketers. And that means I... am... a...


I cherished the drink and the 15 minutes of reading my newest novel in the car, in our driveway while Maddie slept.

One day the "little thing" may be the fact that on our family walk (to which she opted for her power wheels 4-wheeler instead of her feet) :) around the neighborhood Madde said joyously, "I LOVE this WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!" with her arms spread-eagle.

One day the "little thing" may be learning how to can blueberries and make jam with my mom & my daughter.

One day the "little thing" may be seeing new mommies-to-be and their growing bellies and the hopeful anticipation on their faces as they await parenthood.

Today, it's the french press that I invested in to make ever so fabulous coffee each morning. And the dinner cooking in the crock-pot... and the beautiful flowers outside.

Yes. Those are the "little things..."


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