Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Farewell of Sorts

I've been drafting this post in my mind for months.

Although, I never actually envisioned it as a post.  A letter, yes.  Spoken and unspoken words, yes.  But, never a post.  Yet, here I am... writing it anyway.

The questions in my mind for over the past year really (because that's when the countdown began) have been...

:How do you say goodbye when it's not REALLY goodbye? and...  

:Are there even adequate words to express what I want to say?

After ruminating over these questions, here are the answers I've so wisely and accurately accumulated.
:How do you say goodbye when it's not REALLY goodbye? 
(you don't) 
:Are there even adequate words to express what I want to say? 
(no, there aren't)

So, let it be said that I'm not saying goodbye, because time has proven that we actually CAN grow closer with distance.  And time has also proven that we DO stay in touch and take efforts to see one another as regularly as we can.  For those reasons and more, this is instead, a "farewell of sorts."

Because although I'm not saying goodbye, something must be said to the friends who taught us how to "write an adventure" for our children.  The friends who inspired us to parent our littles in a way that fits who we are as people.  The friends who gave us the name of the book that started us dreaming of what we wanted our family life to look like.  The friends who welcomed us into their new community readily and easily.  The friends who were always comfortable staying in our home, cooking with us or for us, encouraging our biggest little and loving/snuggling with our littlest.  The friends we couldn't wait to share news with.  The friends who supported in my own doubts, questions and fears.

And specifically to you, the sister I never had...
For teaching me how to live peacefully and be a contented encourager to my husband.  For being oh so comfortable with who you are and who God is- regardless of the season of life.  For sharing in our heartaches and sorrows.  For our labor and delivery dreams (and realities)... and helping me laugh and be OK with it all. :-)  For sharing the blog that inspired the name.  For encouraging my writing.  For conversations over coffee... in the midst of all the fullness of life.  More recently, for teaching me to crochet.  For the amazing scone recipe... and for making them for me when I was sick.  For appreciating the dramatic. And just for knowing, in so many seasons and so many times.

all because of Him

note found in prayer room

me & you

a bit of yummy comfort

We love you.
We wish you the best.
We are praying fervently and
we can't WAIT to hear (oh, and to visit). :-)

1 comment:

  1. Are you kidding me!? Just now seeing this and LOVING it. Oh my, I love you so and you have no idea, really, you couldn't possibly know how much I love you and am ever thankful for you dear friend.
